

主演:奥利维亚·克劳希奇娅 诺亚·西尔弗 Brittany Allen Alex Beh 克里斯蒂安·亚历山大  

导演:Francisco Orvañanos 


大陆剧《Backgammon》是一部Francisco,Orvañanos导演在,由奥利维亚·克劳希奇娅,诺亚·西尔弗,Brittany,Allen,Alex,Beh,克里斯蒂安·亚历山大等领衔主演的 墨西哥 / 美国剧。  When Lucian and his girlfriend Elizabeth arrive at their friend Andrew's isolated mansion to spend the weekend, they discover that Andrew's older sister, Miranda, and her artist boyfriend, Gerald, are already there. Miranda and Gerald quickly upset everyone with their antics, causing Andrew and Elizabeth to retire for the night. Gerald then talks Lucian into a marathon session of alcohol-fueled poker, during which Gerald loses all of his "possessions" to Lucian, including Miranda herself. Miranda and Gerald have a violent argument, and she throws him out of the house. Lucian and Miranda talk late into the night and end up falling asleep in the same bed. Lucian awakens the next day to find that Andrew and Elizabeth have left, leaving him alone in the house with Miranda. Though torn between his devotion to Elizabeth and his attraction to Miranda, Lucian decides to stay at the house for the remainder of the weekend. As the mutual attraction between them grows, so does their unease over ...。欢迎在线观看,由奥利维亚·克劳希奇娅,诺亚·西尔弗,Brittany,Allen,Alex,Beh,克里斯蒂安·亚历山大等领衔主演的  墨西哥 / 美国剧《Backgammon》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《Backgammon》,如果你喜欢《Backgammon》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!详情


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