

主演:路易斯·托萨尔 哈维尔·古铁雷斯 依斯拉尔·埃雷贾德  

导演:Iñaki Dorronsoro 


大陆剧《逃跑计划》是一部Iñaki Dorronsoro导演在,由路易斯·托萨尔,哈维尔·古铁雷斯,依斯拉尔·埃雷贾德等领衔主演的 西班牙剧。逃跑计划

Víctor是贼是联系的俄罗斯黑帮成员的抢劫。intriguished并接收海伦娜平时考察|女孩谁的作品为暴徒| Víctor asstripper和妓女不信任他的新朋友,打算偷银行。在他们的会议| Víctor实现目标的Banco de Crédito Suizo(瑞士信贷银行)|,金额约为30 | 000 | 000欧元|在保险箱保护。但计划复杂化后知道抢劫| Rá我司机|吸毒者谁知道真的íctor V。当两者搭配在一起的暴徒|刑警杀themobsters逮捕Víctor |曾让我逃离Rá特殊手术。中尉从西班牙的政策í一队似乎表明,Víctorwas真的做为卧底警察调查和逮捕的俄罗斯黑帮顶在质问|。以掩盖终止| Víctor面临内部affairsinvestigation被暗杀…

  Víctor is a thief who is contacted by members of the Russian mob for a robbery. Intriguished about it and receiving the usual visits of Helena| a girl who works asstripper and prostitute for the mob| Víctor distrusts about his new friends and the plan to steal the bank. In a meeting with them| Víctor realizes that the targetis the Banco de Crédito Suizo (Swiss Credit Bank)| and the amount is about 30|000|000 euros| guarded in the safe-box. But the plan complicates after to know thedriver for the robbery| Rápido| a junkie who knows the true about Víctor. Just when both match together the mobsters| an especial operative of Interpol kill themobsters and arrest Víctor| who previously let escape Rápido. During the interrogatory| a lieutenant from Spanish Policía Nacional appears to reveal that Víctorwas really working as undercover cop in order to investigate and arrest Russian mob top. With the cover-up terminated| Víctor faces an Internal Affairsinvestigation by an assassination ...

。欢迎在线观看,由路易斯·托萨尔,哈维尔·古铁雷斯,依斯拉尔·埃雷贾德等领衔主演的  西班牙剧《逃跑计划》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《逃跑计划》,如果你喜欢《逃跑计划》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!


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